So I attended the RS general meeting with my next door neighbor a sweet old lady who hasnt been in church for the past 20 years . As I was listening to the talks one of the sisters mentioned that the purpose of the meeting was to get closer to those sisters who don't actively participate in church. I pondered for a second of the deeper meaning of what it means to be active and I thought it putting this for discussion. You see my neighbor even though she hasnt been in church she is very active in the gospel. She has been (and is) a volunteer of several charitable organizations since she was young, her husband was very involved in the community as well. She is a soft heart, kind and generous woman. She is always there when a neighbor or anyone else needs a hand. Then I thought wow she gives the word active a whole new meaning you know what am I saying? Is it active to just warm a sit every Sunday and do what I cal lip service? (yeah, the golden answers with no action behind) or is it go out there and do as Christ told us to do? You see, for the church and for most folks she is inactive...for me she is one of the most active members I know of.
I know what you mean. Often times we give words a more organization or business meaning than they should have. Active to most people means going to church on a regular basis. As far as I know the General Handbook of Instructions actually defines how often a member needs to be at sacrament meeting per quarter to still be considered "active." But is showing up at a set time at a set place every week really what is meant with being "anxiously engaged in a good cause"? I don't think so. Meetings I feel are very important for us, because only through exchanging with others our experiences and thoughts can we grow (albeit I do feel we are perfectly able to do the same just with the LORD), but it's not what defines us as disciples of Christ. Doing what we were commanded to do is being a disciple (which actually does include "meeting together often to offer up your prayers and sacraments"). This to me is the true meaning of "active."
I like the analogy I once heard from a pentecostal preacher:
"Do you really think going to church every Sunday, wearing your sunday's best, sitting still listening to the preacher preach, singing along, and shouting amen at 'truth' is what makes you a good Christian? By the same reasoning you might assume that if you sat in your garage for 3 hours a week you would become a car!"
Suzie I'm sure your neighbor is a great sister but she doesn't partake of the sacrament and renew the covenants she has made with Heavenly Father therefore no matter how much service she gives she misses out the greater picture.
Active means to attend church every Sunday and accept the callings you have been given to help others and the kingdom. Oh and attend all your meetings.
Technically to be active is to attend to sacrament meeting 2 times a month. Then you are considered active on the rolls. But really its more then that. Just look at the word. Active = Activity...You have to be doing. Not just going to your meetings but actively living your life as a latter day saint. When you do that you are compelled to do all things as you should, attend meetings, do callings, keep the sabbath holy, etc.
Service isn't a new concept. The church has emphasized that since the beginning. The priesthood itself is based on service. You can't use it to benefit yourself, only others. Ive heard it a few times in the last few days about how the church is trying to focus more on service now...Guess those same people haven't been listing very good before then.
One thing that a lot of people do not realize it the Parable of the 10 virgins is actually about the members of the church specifically. So when the time comes, only 50% will be found ready and worthy.
This is kind of going off topic into what it means to serve. Just because you arne't working in a soup kitchen doesn't mean its not service. The lord only asks you to do the best you can in the calling you are given. If someone is neglecting their family due to callings, it is a personal matter and should reexamine their priorities. But to say all members are like this is just not true. And to say the leaders want you to choose callings over personal matters is just unfounded, but people will always hear what they want to hear.