Can be an idea, with FP as a prize. I would make contests based on content rather than number of posting in a day or things like that: counting posts would end up in giving the prizes always to the most active members while basing the competition on content could get all the members of the community involved, also those that post once in a while.
If it pleases the court, may I suggest a possible prize be a month (or more) of premium membership?
This might bring in more regular members to try the contest(s) more. Also, it could give way to someone who's on the fence to finally get a premium membership permanently. Generate I.D. A bit more money possibly.
Edited: Stefflabunny on 2nd Jun, 2013 - 8:51am
Interesting points, I will answer you and add in some explanations for others that may read.
Your suggestions have merit and are good, however I can see a lot of room for people angry or inwardly hurt that their input into a Post was not rewarded. I tend to refrain from personally judging a contest or anything based on opinion for this reason. Members may also feel that those with more 'buddies' will help them win. Contests, in order to be viewed as fair, must have a cut and dry method for determining the winner. For instance if it is based on Post count then no one can argue numbers in an allotted period. Same can also be with find X and post the answer. No one can argue who actually posted before them because it will show in the Thread.
I would suggest contests that have 500 FP as a reward to the person who creates the most new threads on a board. To make the contest more challenging, I will suggest boards that not much people who creates topics on like the "Transportation - cars, boats, & planes" Board. I think these kind of contests should be available only at every month.
Edited: Felipe on 17th Jul, 2013 - 10:08pm
I will definitely like to see an FP contest, I'm like in desperate need of some right now to make a good entrance into Gwynedd and to redeem myself in the Arcade!