Yes that is the big difference between robots and humans. When I say humanoid I mean that it will walk about like a human not be like a human. They have come a long ways and I foresee that we will continue to make great strides forward in the realm of robotics.
I rather doubt that to be honest. There is a continuity problem when it comes to copying a mind. Whether that mind is electronic or not.
Imagine for a moment that exact copy of you was "Born" at the moment of your death. Down to the last thought pattern. This may be a very similar being to you, but it is not and never will be you. You personally are dead, as there is no connection between the twain.
This is most easily demonstrated by the fact that if a backup can be made, the copy can be made whether or not the original is dead.
And there's no reason to assume that an assault on an electronic being would not be considered a crime. You're damaging someone's property, and depending on how their minds work, the assault could still be a traumatic experience.
Edited: daishain on 7th Mar, 2017 - 11:32pm
Daishain, I understand your argument, but I disagree with your conclusions. Let's start with your same premise: An exact copy of you is 'born' the moment you die. Now I am using born loosely here to mean that a literal exact copy of you comes into being, not that you start over as an infant. If a literal exact copy of you comes into existence, it will never be what you were, but neither will any person be what they were. I am not the same yesterday as I am today, nor do I expect to be. As such the 'new' creature will not be the exact same as me, because it has new experiences every moment it is alive, but I contend that it will grow into the same person I would have grown into under those circumstances.
I also agree that if a backup is made, then a copy can be made at any point; however I disagree that this detracts any from my argument. Now if two exact clones of one entity are made (A robot here for ease of reference), then they will start out the same and immediately diverge down different paths as they cannot physically experience the same things. Even if they are only a few feet apart, they will each experience the world differently and grow to be different people. But lets say at the end of the day you can somehow restart that exact day and put them through the exact same circumstances again (Which is impossible, but this is a thought experiment). If you recreated the twins and put them through the exact same circumstances they went through the day before, I believe that they would react the exact same way as their previous day counterparts. They wouldn't know they had already lived this day out. They would not know that they were going to be deactivated at the end of the day. They would still react the same. Now I grant that in terms of practicality this example is limited because you will never experience any day just like one you have already experienced, but I still believe that if you reboot from a backup, then the robot will never know it died (Unless you tell it) and it will live just as it would have had it never been killed. Now being that time is linear, we will never know what the entity would have done anyway, but this is just what I think of mind vs body. Unfortunately as humans (Or physical beings period with enough time) we degrade and so just 'living' is actually dying slowly and we will always know if we have been placed into a new body.
Whether or not the new copy knows the original is dead is irrelevant to my point. Whether or not the new copy grows in the same manner as the original is likewise irrelevant.
The original is dead, d-e-d dead, and will experience no more of life. The new copy is a different person.
The only reason to take comfort in being able to back up one's personality is in the sense of one's loved ones not having to deal with the loss.
The original may be dead, but no one knows is my point. If the 'copy' lives the exact same life and behaves in all regards just as the original, for all intents and purposes the original is not dead. I know there is the technicality of the original actually being dead. But only the original knows that and he is dead, so it doesn't do him any good. The copy lives it's life as if nothing has happened and everyone around it lives their lives as if nothing happened, so nothing in fact happened from any meaningful point of view.
Edited: Alchyrogue on 8th Mar, 2017 - 2:02pm
While I can appreciate the massive leaps in technology that allow discussions like this to even become possibly, I become a bit nervous when we talk about imposing human qualities on robots. This isn't because I'm afraid of some sort of dystopian sci-fy world where robots take over. Rather, it's about where we draw the line. Robots that walk on two legs and perform human tasks, but when we allow them to gain intelligence LIKE humans through actions, the line between human and machine becomes a little blurred. When does the robot get free will and act of its own accord? I know this seems like the beginnings of a bad sci-fy novel, but this is a real thing that I think about a lot of the times.