Artic Rescue Brainstorm - Page 74 of 85

"An incoming message, somebody is trying - Page 74 - Science Fiction PBP RPGs - Posted: 27th Jan, 2013 - 3:42pm

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25th Jan, 2013 - 2:18am / Post ID: #

Artic Rescue Brainstorm - Page 74

Out of Character: I was thinking about that too. No hurry to look for rescuers. There's food here and the base is working. I'll check the radar first, just to know what's outside, and look through the archives.

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25th Jan, 2013 - 2:35am / Post ID: #

Brainstorm Rescue Artic

In Character: As Nathan checks the computer Major thinks about the zombies, are passing thought makes him wonder if they could have regenerated somehow and attack them again. He arms his gun and then says,

"I'm going to check the rooms"

Specific Action: Check all the rooms to see if anyone is living or moving especially the zombies. Then check to see anything that wasn't visible the first time.

25th Jan, 2013 - 2:44am / Post ID: #

Artic Rescue Brainstorm RPGs PBP Fiction Science

Specific Action: Nathan checks if there's a radar or Gps system accessible from the main computer. If yes, he will scan the surroundings of the base. He'll also look for logs or archives that can shed light on what was really going on in the artic facility.

25th Jan, 2013 - 1:49pm / Post ID: #

Page 74 Brainstorm Rescue Artic

Major's mention of looking for logs does excite Uhura. Even though the base conducted less than ethical experiments the whole idea of it intrigues her so she waits to find out what Nathan is able to get and then looks around the base.

Out of Character: Actions posted.

26th Jan, 2013 - 2:05am / Post ID: #

Brainstorm Rescue Artic

In Character: While Major walks through the mess he kind of wished he didn't take off his environ suit even if it was busted.

27th Jan, 2013 - 1:18pm / Post ID: #

Artic Rescue Brainstorm

In Character: Major is now satisfied that nothing 'harmful' is still circulating the building so he returns to where Nathan is to await anything new.

Specific Action: Return to Nathan and rest of the squad on bottom floor.

Out of Character: I wonder who is scanning us now, could it be Greg?

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27th Jan, 2013 - 1:22pm / Post ID: #

Artic Rescue Brainstorm - Page 74

In Character: While Thomas is with Nathan, he looks at the screen and he says to Nathan, "Can this computer detect Greg with his ATV from here?"

27th Jan, 2013 - 3:42pm / Post ID: #

Artic Rescue Brainstorm Science Fiction PBP RPGs - Page 74

"An incoming message, somebody is trying to communicate with us", announces Nathan in an alarmed tone, "Whoever it is, will collect useful informations about us and the base as soon as I open the channel. Should I accept it or try to backtrack it first?".

> TOPIC: Artic Rescue Brainstorm


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