Out of Character: You are right. I was worrying about you not collecting the samples (hint, hint...) (laugh) They made a complete scan of the base already so they know the general situation here. Maybe we should have two stories ready: one if they are casual passersby and one if they are here by purpose. Also, we are in a confidential mission and giving away essential informations to people not involved in the events could keep away future contractors from hiring us (you don't want a private eye that makes public announcements about his findings...)
The situation is complex, that's why I thought it was better to wait and see who they are and what they know
Out of Character: Of course I'm right, I thought you would have known that by now
So let me ask the question again, is there anything we need to adjust in our story and what is your other story?
Yes, I will collect samples as part of all of this in our next action.
Out of Character: Your story is 100% ok. No additions or changes for me. Later, we will see if something has to be corrected, based on who these people are. By the way, your contractors were private civilians, people from the Government or people connected to the army?
Out of Character: Honestly, I don't know, it wouldn't matter anyway who they said they were because it could all just be a lie.
Out of Character: Reflecting on it maybe we shouldn't have called anyone just yet. Anyway I think your story is just about right Fair but you know what, we really have no good explanation on who hired us. We just took the job without doing our research, sucks.
Put me down for whatever action you need, with the kind of skills Major has he's more into muscle than brains.
In Character: Major curses, "It's one thing to the next and we're here wearing blinders!"
Out of Character: So there is nothing else to add? If so, I will put up actions but since whomever is coming will be here next round I just want to make sure we're set.