I was reading about these two dogs who mauled a 4 year old boy out of no where. One of the owners of the dog said she is sending the dogs to live in a ranch because she doesn't want this to happen but she admits the dog attacked a 9 year old before. What the heck is wrong with her? Those dogs should be put down! Whether they're vicious dogs or not it's not the point! Her dog attacked before and wasn't enough for her. She should be fined and forced to pay every medical bill for this child...for LIFE!
I believe the owners should be held accountable but you know what? I don't think they will be because I don't know of any laws that will make them responsible. I hope the little boy makes a full recovery, I cannot imagine the pain he may be going through.
Name: Wayne
Comments: All Dogs should be muzzled, when on the streets. Signs must be clearly marked on gates of premises that have dogs. Alls dogs must be licensed if they are to be on the streets. Owners must provide some form collection when their dogs mess on the streets, parks, and walk ways. Where are our litter wardens. Great jobs you all have embarked on, keeping the public aware.
Need to update statistics on murders. E.g murders for each month for 2011 and looking for the past years.
I couldn't believe that the owner of the dogs doesn't want to put the dogs to sleep. She said she rather go to jail than to do that. Well, I am hoping the authorities are reading that because I have no problem with that at all.