Hittite Fortifications c.1650-700 BC
Now that you have read the book Hittite Fortifications c.1650-700 BC by: Konstantin Nossov what is your review for it?
About Hittite Fortifications c.1650-700 BC: Contents
Introduction "¢ Chronology "¢ Methods of construction "¢ Anatomy of Hittite fortresses "¢ Tour of the sites: Hattusha, Alacahöyük and Karatepe "¢ Sanctuaries and the living sites "¢ Aftermath "¢ The sites today "¢ Bibliography and further reading "¢ Index
Illustration for Hittite Fortifications c.1650-700 BC by: Brian Delf
Hittite Fortifications C.1650-700 Bc (Hover)