Name: Jacs
Comments: If you are still looking for a DM. I would like to give it a shot. I haven't done a play by post but I always wanted too.
I can give a thumbs up for what JB said about looking for consistent dungeon masters. This is the second D&D game I joined in where the dungeon master has gone on a leave of absence without saying anything. I knew it was Christmas and all a few weeks ago but its long pass now. Not having someone seriously run a game is a turn-off.
Funny because we have the opposite problem in World of Medieval. JB is our GM and he's always active so its getting the players besides a couple of us to be in there. Maybe you should come on over to where we are.
I know! I used to be in Super Heroes and he is always there. I was kind of hoping to be in that RPG but the activity requirement is whats keeping me back. I was hoping that using D&D would help me get my activity back up but the DMs here are even not as active as I am .
Sorry I can't help you with that but maybe you can start posting lots and your activity will pick up. If you wait for a DM to be active here you might be in for a real long wait because the D&D section doesn't have any dedicated DMs.
I've tried doing that in the past but I had to post like 20 just to see my percentage go up by 1. That's what happens when you slack off so much and let your activity slide. I think you're right about the game masters for D&D. The one I'm in hasn't had a reply for weeks.
Krusten I'm trying to start up a game but need more characters. I have one character so far but need 2-4 players. If you joined you guys could hire like a underling NPC and start.
It isn't a campaign, the game is an actual professional made single run quest.
Thanks for the offer but I'm a bit shy about joining in another game again. I've joined two already and both DMs flaked. I also read about your last game and it didn't end on a good note no offense.