It is your belief to create an ambush and take over the Tavern using an unusual combination of events.
While the one drunk continues to snore, and John sort or sits there taking everything in, Dante moves up to the Tavern Keeper and pushes his question about the Dark Cleric to which the Tavern Keeper stops as if frozen, looks at you with his eyes and then looks at those at the table.
At that same time the following happens...
Lady Godiva closes the doors easily by just pulling them in, but it will take more from her to seal them off as there seems to be a missing brace for it.
At this point...
The Tavern Keeper ducks behind his counter as the wench screams, drops some dishes she was carrying and gasps for air while heading for the stairs.
Just then...
Cagliostro starts to run towards the stairs cutting off the wench as she shields herself with a bowl. Cagliostro looks behind the curtains and see no one there, it is dark.
A little after...
Grouth makes his way to the door North of your table and sees that it is locked.
By this time, the Tavern Keeper emerges with a hand crossbow.
GM: I need Combat Rolls from everyone. Say what you wish to do now.
GM: These actions take place within seconds of each other or in parallel.
Lady Godiva finds a brace at one corner of the room and makes her way quickly to get it.
At that same time...
Cagliostro attempts to attack the Tavern Keeper with a... But the wench jumps on him with a loud "No! No! No!" Thus hindering his movement. She is riding him like a horse while hitting his head with a bowl.
Just then...
The Tavern Keeper attempts to shoot at Dante but misses, Dante swings but also misses.
Right then...
GM: I will use one of Grouth's D20 rolls for opening the door. Your AC is wrong, it should be 24 and not 16.
Grouth attempts to open the door with his brute strength and begins breaking it open.
This causes the Tavern Keeper to shift his attention towards him firing a second bolt at Grouth. The bolt goes through and lodges in his shield. Grouth pauses noticing he was almost hit!
Dante uses his second swipe and hits the Tavern Keeper making him bloody, sending him off balance, and into the wall behind him.
During this...
John rises up looking to see where best he can help.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
Dante attempts to engage the Tavern Keeper once more, still armed with a hand crossbow, the Tavern Keeper attempts a shot but misses and Dante is now on top of him fighting the man into submission.
Cagliostro attempts to say something colorful to the wench but her light yet annoying blows to his uncovered head makes him forget his words. He manages to shake her off temporarily but the edge of the bowl has caused Cagliostro to hold his head with pain.
GM: -1 HP to Cagliostro.
Just then...
Lady Godiva applies the wooden brace to the door and now turns to see what is happening.
Around that time...
Grouth has almost gotten the door bashed in.
John gets over to where Dante is and can see he is dominating the situation.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
As Cagliostro tries to recover... John and Lady Godiva easily secure the wench, who has an angry face that turns to regret about being restrained, with rope. You threaten her and she becomes fearful for her life. She pleads,
"Please, please, I am a mother of three..."
She seems genuine in what she says but in East City not everything is as it seems so you can never be sure.
Grouth bursts open the door. A dark room with wooden stairs leading down is revealed.
Right about then...
Dante parries the Tavern Keeper's attack and hits him a non-lethal blow to send him to the ground once again. As he tries to regain his balance you ask about the Dark Cleric to which he says,
"I will tell thee nothing pigs."
You can see that he is not going to be easily swayed even with the odds not in his favor.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
Dante intends to get the man into submission but this Tavern Keeper is no push over, he fights until you have pummeled him to the ground. You tie him, but at the moment he is out cold and bloody.
During this time the wench is screaming frantically and finally loses hope and sobs seeing the Tavern Keeper laying on the ground.
Cagliostro and Grouth stand at the door watching down. It is dark, you cannot see much and you do not hear anyone coming.
Just then...
Lady Godiva checks the Tavern Keeper, he is unconscious. John asks the wench about the Dark Cleric but she only keeps her head down. When you persist she spits at you echoing the same message of the Tavern Keeper,
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
John insists the wench tell him about the Dark Cleric while using the threat of his sword near at her neck. She swallows hard and says,
"Downstairs... Downstairs..."
Dante presses her too wanting to know what is downstairs. She continues,
"The Dark Cleric use to have an active worship room downstairs, but now only a couple of his followers maintain it now. Please, no more questions about him, he hears everything!"
You can see the wench is more visibly shaken from having to talk about the Dark Cleric than your sword.
Lady Godiva then asks about upstairs to which the wench says,
"There is no one... No one there! Leave me alone all of ye lost pigs, how dare ye come here an assault me like this!"
Grouth asks for someone to bring him a light source. He stands there waiting as Cagliostro stands as guard.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
John whispers words to the wench for which she gives no response, she is just crossed with everything that is happening. John then heads passed Grouth and Cagliostro and starts heading downstairs. As he does so the old wooden stairs creak loudly under the weight of all he caries. The light shows up the room's storage of barrels, sacks of grain and other items related to brewing.
Lady Godiva asks the wench about a lantern or candles. She grumbles about a lantern being under the bar and she then says,
"Look around, don't ye see lights all around thee?"
She references the oil light holders that illuminates the Tavern.
Lady Godiva takes the lantern as it was her first choice and possibly because it is a better light source. She lights it up and then makes her way behind the tied curtains going up the stairs which creak just as loud as the ones John is now standing on.
Lady Godiva reaches the top of the flight of stairs and her heart pounds with the sense of evil or is just the eery look of this dark abandoned part of the tavern. The air smells of mold. She could swear she heard someone call her name - maybe the place is playing tricks with her - she feels weird. There are doors to the right and left just as she remembered it before.
Dante watches over the prisoners, and the others also stand fast waiting.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
John checks around the room, there is a trap door which is almost hidden by a tricky distortion of some items to one corner. Also, there is a wooden door that you assume leads outside but it is boarded up.
Lady Godiva checks each room carefully. She sees an occasional mouse, some spiders, lots of cobweb and nothing else. These rooms have not been used in a very long time.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.