Dante slows his direction South thus causing Grouth to follow suit but right after Lady Godiva deliberately screams a warning of ambush thus causing Dante and Grouth to retreat quickly.
Seeing their plan foiled, the Bandits hiding behind boulders on the mountain try to shoot arrows in your direction, however they are too far away for their arrow heads to reach anywhere near your present location.
Shortly after you hear the loud sound of a bull's horn being blown.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
You are now at the opening of Death's Mouth where all the black birds circle around furiously over last night's meat.
You look towards the South but see nothing, however you do hear the faint sound of a bull's horn being blown possibly in reply to the one you heard just after your retreat. For now you see no Bandits and all seems still.
GM: Please note I do not need any conversations between Characters just the actions, say what you wish to do now.
You decide to guardedly wait for something to happen. After the space of 10 minutes in the distance you can see a dust cloud to the South that is most likely heading in your direction.
After awhile, about a little more than half a mile away, you begin to see a large horde of Bandit ridden horses, great wolves and a rather large humanoid creature behind them.
GM: Please be precise in exactly what you will do now.
Seeing the dust of death that is heading in your direction does not make you courageous, so you immediately decide to flee.
You hurriedly retreat towards the North while anxiously looking back to see how the horde pursues, but they do not - they stop at Death's Mouth and you are long on your way towards the Village.
GM: Although only PlayByPost has specifically outlined returning to the Village, I will assume all of you are doing the same. At the Village you are no longer expected to Post two day minimum Actions, but I will suggest that before heading towards the South again that you form a much larger Party. If I get some time I may open a smaller Scenario in the meanwhile, but no promises.