Neihao can feel something boiling to the top. Being an x-tax collecter Neihao was used to hearing such request followed by an ambush. Neihao doubts that will happen here though, is was something different.
Out of Character:: I think we might as we follow him and hear him out. It would be rude to say no now. I'm pretty sure this is going to be a good thing. Edited: Oliron on 23rd Jul, 2012 - 3:28am
Out of Character: Its the village elders so I don't think anything bad will come out of this.
In Character: Dante immediately starts to follow the man anticipating some more gold or something special for the adventure ahead.
Specific Action: follow the man.
Out of Character:: Lets go for it then.
In Character: Seeing that everyone begins to follow Lady Godiva reluctantly follows as well keeping her guard not trusting no one, not even old men from the village.
Not needing healing for herself she looked one and thought about Merlin... Maybe if we brought his body here he could be healed. Its too late now as she focuses back on her mission.
"So, back to the south again?"
She looks at the men at arms waiting to see what they say.
Dante is so impressed with everything he has seen so far. He wonders if his friends are nobility in secret and asks humbly,
"Are you nobles?"
Out of Character: Should we wait for more muscle? Going to the south ain't that easy. I've lost so many characters there.
Neihao laughs at Dante's question, "I'm no noble, hah! That's a good one kid."
Internally Neihao hopes he doesn't have to bury this guy.
Out of Character:: I don't think we really can wait. Now that we're healed, and the elders and all. It seems pretty clear what we got to do. Kill that so and so dark cleric. Also we have 3 fighters and a pretty tough thief. If we don't do anything stupid I think we'll survive. I think we should scout the area we think the cleric is at first. Hopefully we can figure out some way to get close to him and strike before he can escape again.