Out of Character: Dude then you needed to say that you were feeding your horses that. Are you even reading where we were saying that there was no food for the horses or you just pass over our posts?
Out of Character: That was before you wanted me to be leader.
Anyways why would we need to go back to the village for a grappling hook, is the dark cleric up there? If that cleric is going to be anywhere we need to follow the wagon wheel trail to see where they went.
Out of Character: If we make a fire then the bandits in the area will know where we are because a fire can be seen from anywhere at night. Anyway I think we are OK because if you read the story JB already said we made it safe,
Out of Character: I agree about just focusing on the cleric. Sure we can head back to the village just for a grappling hook and rope but how productive towards our mission is that? I would definitely do it if I knew the cleric is up there but following wagon tracks makes more sense.
Specific Action: Look for the wagon tracks and see where they lead.
Out of Character: I will just wait for the other character actions before we move on again.
In Character: Dante wonders how far into Death's Mouth the wagon wheel tracks go, he hopes it isn't too far in.