In Character:: John thinks about what he said again, this time he said,
"Never mind, I think I will take my horse to the cave."
AC: Rides John's horse to the cave and he makes sure there are no traps around when he goes inside the cave.
Out of Character:: Neihao and Lady Godiva are up front in the cave so I need your actions. John and Dante are just maintaining a watch by the horses.
"Do you think its safe?"
Lady Godiva hasn't experienced much time in exploring caves so she hopes that Neihao knows what she is doing. She does know how to wield her sword and clutches to it even stronger.
Out of Character:: My actions are the same as before. Look for traps while exploring this cave a little. I don't know how long we should really spend here. Like play said though I am petty sure our other characters have been here before.
"Cobweb usually means a lack of activity so I agree let's get going we don't have much time to waste."
Lady Godiva is disappointed... She was gearing herself up for what could be just a tomb of bones in the form of a cave.
John turns back to Dante angrily,
"Great, my horse cannot fit in the entrance!" After he said that he stays with Dante and waits for Neihao and Lady Godiva.