John is very angry that he didn't broke the door, instead he doesn't say anything, he says to Neihao,
"Didn't we check the skeletons? Maybe there is a key around them to unlock the door." Edited: Felipe on 25th Aug, 2012 - 12:38pm
"This is what we've been looking for..."
Dante immediately dismounts and tries to get some cover saying to the others to do the same before they get caught.
Out of Character: How do you all want to approach this. No matter what we do they'll probably see us coming.
Out of Character:: I am suggesting that we hit arrows at the people at the wagon from a long distance.
In Character:: John takes cover so the men don't see him. Edited: Felipe on 25th Aug, 2012 - 8:12pm
Out of Character:: I think that was a dead end Felipe. We were there with other characters before and there wasn't anything in there then. Play is right they are going to see us for sure. I also think ranged attack is the way to go, then rush in to melee. I don't think there is much else we can do.
Neihao looks for cover and ducks down with the rest.
Dante hears the ideas,
"So we mount two by two shooting as we ride towards them or two on foot and two on horse?"
He then looks at Lady Godia for her input.
Lady Godiva gives her approval of the plan and adds,
"When we get close two of us should dismount and fight hard."
She then looks at the others and then at the bandits,
Out of Character:: My rolls are in I am ready to go. I wonder though if we can fire bows from horseback. I think it would be better for my character to say he dismounts and fires his bow and keeps moving forward when he can to get into melee. I just can't see us riding in two to a horse all shooting bows.
Out of Character: That's a good idea, everyone make your combat rolls so that we don't have to be told we need to do that after I put we're going to attack the bandits.