Out of Character:: Wow I completely forgot about that. That is going to make things trickier. I guess Neihao will enter the cave he saw the bandit enter. That stinks though because one, two, or even three of us is probably going to have to stay out here.
Edited: Oliron on 27th Aug, 2012 - 11:58pm
Out of Character: I was thinking that we should probably focus on the wagon and not the caves yet. Once the wagon is secure then we deal with the caves one by one with two by the wagon and two checking out each cave.
Out of Character: Good suggestion Fair but I need to get you guys final actions because I don't want to just throw something up because this could mean the death of our characters so make sure you know what you're doing. I have good armor so I can take a cave alone if I need to but I think we're best served staying together rather than splitting up.
In Character: Lady Godiva studies the situation briefly.
"Let's open up this wagon first and make sure nothing is hiding there. If its clear then we can take on one of the caves?"
She waits to see what the group thinks.
Out of Character:: I still think trying to get into this cave is as equally important as the wagon. I seriously doubt the cleric is just hanging out in there. Why don't we go with two checking out the wagon and two checking out the cave. I'm slapping a boot on the wagon so even if the cleric does try to get away he ain't taking that. One last thing, please make sure to specify that someone is tying up our horses.
Out of Character:: Alright, since you're dealing with the wagon wheel you want to check out inside the wagon at the same time? If you guys can put up a nice "Specific Action:" for your characters that will help a lot with compiling this in the leader thread - thank you.
Specific Action: Check out the wagon by first looking for windows open to see inside then checking the door. Lady Godiva will open the door slowly armed to attack if anyone lunges at her.
In Character: John stays form a distance form Lady Godiva so she can attack the wagon door.
Out of Character:: Play, remember my character ask you this question "May I open the door?" How come your character didn't answer?
Edited: Felipe on 29th Aug, 2012 - 6:47pm