Out of Character: Fair is right, she won't heal that fast. Herbs aren't magical so they only work when you rest, they're more like a help than a cure. OK so we can't be just standing around looking at the gold. Since Lady Godiva has the least HP maybe she can stay and we check out the cave. Anything different let me know now please before too much time passes.
In Character: Dante regains his senses and tries to remember why he is even there.
"Plenty of time to spend that, let's get the cleric!"
Out of Character:: Sorry Play I know it isn't helpful to the group, and I want to get the cleric as much as anyone else. However I feel Neihao would be captivated by the gold for his next action. I have a hard time imagining him seeing a chest full of gold in his face and just instantly moving on, I'll be ready next round (action).
Looking at how Neihao is gazing into the gold makes her realize what she is doing as well,
"I think I will go to the cave entrance to see how the others are faring since this gold isn't going no where."
She hints to thief in case he gets any sudden bright ideas about leaving without us.
In Character:: John is surprised there is a dead end in the cave, he touches the rock that makes the cave a dead end, he says to Dante, "This is not a dead end, the Dark Cleric purposely block this cave to make this a dead end, we will need to break this."
Dante looks at Felipe with a surprised face because of what he suggests,
"Break it? break it how? We may be better off asking Neihao to come check it out."
Dante heads back to the cave entrance to call Neihao.
She catches Dante on the way back and see it as an opportunity to tear the thief away from the gold.
"Hey, gold lover, your services are needed over here."
She grins and adds,
"That's if you can manage to break your gaze from the yellow fever."