Out of Character: I'm going to post up something now but I was hoping for more specific actions from everyone. Anyway I will just have Dante say they are surrounded or something.
In Character:: John says to Dante, "You know what, I think all this that is happening is from the Dark Cleric, I could feel it right now".
Edited: Felipe on 28th Sep, 2012 - 9:58pm
Dante shakes his head at Felipe and says soft,
"They're not buying it, what do we do now?"
Out of Character: I'm stuck here, what's do you guys think we should do?
Out of Character: That's so hard to say. They may have all the time in the world but we don't and we don't want it to get dark with us in a stand off. What if we hack the wagon, its wooden right?
"Well yes, but where are the sticks coming from!"
Dante grins and then whispers,
"We could take apart the wagon, but you know... That is going to take forever."
He then looks at Neihao,
"OK out with it... What's on your mind? I don't plan on dying at a cave entrance!"