Out of Character:: But what about the gold in the wagon? Our character's can't take the chest, they don't have time for that! Isn't there sticks on the ground at least?
Out of Character: No sticks. Picture this place like the Grand Canyon, at least that's how I see it.
Specific Action: Dante stands his ground hoping that the bandits make the first move.
Out of Character:: Lets take apart the wagon, we have no choice. Say we look for sticks and stuff, we will need that for kindling too. Also say we dismantle parts of wood from the wagon. However we are leaving the bottom "Wagon" mechanism in place so its still rideable.
Out of Character: I needed to get party order in before time ran out (although I think it probably has already) but didn't have you guys specific actions, lets not forget that please.
Lady Godiva sees what Neihao is trying to do,
"Nah, you won't be able to get through that, at least not with our weapons."
Lady Godiva then scratches her. Did you try threatening them?
Out of Character: Sorry I'm not more help.
Out of Character: Wagon is out so its either we make a stand or go brave and enter the cave in a rush. What do you guys want to do? Also that other cave hasn't been explored yet, we should check it out.
Out of Character: There probably is but nothing big enough to smoke them out. We don't need to start a small fire, it needs to be huge. Any other suggestions?