Out of Character:: The thought I keep having is we go back with the gold and buy tools and supplies. Then I think the gold is fake somehow. I guess we should check out the other cave. Someone should stay here and taunt these guys every soften so they don't get too brave.
Out of Character: How about Dante stays here and Neihao goes check it out as he is the one that can check for traps, etc. Probably Felipe can back him up. Let me know if this is good so I can post our actions.
Out of Character: Sorry but I didn't want more time to pass so I added our actions, the longer we stay just doing nothing the harder it might get for us.
Dante takes in some big breaths. he knows he is able but he really doesn't want to die today.
Out of Character: Oliron we need a roll from you.
Lady Godiva observes the guys going from cave to cave and tries to make light of the moment by being a little sarcastic,
"What's the matter... Can't make up your minds which cave you want to go into or just checking to see if I'm still here with the gold?"
She laughs under her breath.
Out of Character: I take it there are no specific actions from anyone besides the roll for Neihao (I meant to ask what kind of name is that)?