"You shall soon learn then" he replies.
Noticing the new fellow's liking for Lady Godiva he shakes his head and whispers to him.
"Be careful, she is way more than you can chew, in fact she might chew you up for breakfast."
He laughs and looks at Neihao, who has been rather silent for a long time.
Lady Godiva continues to look menacingly at the villagers like a guard dog. She mumbles to herself, "You better not try and even ask me a question today, I'm in no mood." She holds the hilt of her weapon as though she wants to pull it out and brandish it.
Tanar became red from his head to the tip of his toe: "No, I... I didn't mean...", he mumbled feeling ridiculous. He didn't mean that but now it was too late for explanations. The fact is that he never saw a woman dressed like a warrior before and she attracted his curiousity. Now he was feeling like everybody was only looking at his red face. The eyes cast on the ground, he kept moving his weight from one foot to the other with the only result of looking even more ridiculous. Out of character: maybe Tanar will not always be as clumsy and nerd like now. But now he is. He was the weird guy of the neighbourhood. Feel free to have fun with him before he gains some self-confidence (laugh)
Out of Character: We shouldn't be wasting too much time in this village, we're supposed to be equipping ourselves and getting back to the south now to get the dark cleric. If I don't get an exact plan or actions from everyone I'll just post we divide up the gold and take the wagon back south.
Out of character: Ok, ready to go. Just an idea: what about buying a big piece of wood, like the plain of a table. Can be pushed forward when entering the passage in the cave to neutralize the arrows. If the situation there is still the same, of course.
Out of Character: Now that we have the wagon that might be a good idea but at the same time if we think they're just going to be there waiting on us... I doubt it. I'm all for sharing up the gold. It was four of us so that's an easy 500 each!
Out of Character:: Cool! Now my character will FINALLY buy the things that he wanted to buy for a very long time!
In Character:: John notices Tanar has become red because of Lady Godiva, he walks to her and says to her, "What is the matter, what made you upset?"
Edited: Felipe on 22nd Oct, 2012 - 8:44pm
Out of Character: I was waiting for Oliron's input but he isn't around and we're way over do for our actions so I'm going to split up the gold and we can get moving with this. Please detail your purchases in your next post so I can put them in the next party order after the one I'm going to make now.