Out of Character: Still waiting for specific actions from everyone except Fair. Everyone is a bit slow moving these days, anything to do with Sandy?
Out of Character:: Well I'm at a loss, searching the caves will most likely be a waste of time. Perhaps we should push forward and see what lies ahead. The dark cleric most likely fled further south or whatever. We have a wagon, horses, and supplies why not just keep going and try to find him. Or we could go back to town and tell them we lost him.
Specific Action:: Look around here a bit and camp, then head further (south I think) looking for the dark cleric. Edited: Oliron on 2nd Nov, 2012 - 5:50pm
Out of Character: Why is it a waste of time if we have not even checked the caves yet? Last time we just stood on the outside and did not actually enter. You got me all confused Oliron.
Out of Character:: The GM already hinted and all but said that the cleric has left. By his last few descriptions this place is abandoned. If we spend time here looking around and find nothing, we waste valuable time.
I'm saying from the GM's clues lets move on now before he gets further away. Edited: Oliron on 2nd Nov, 2012 - 6:15pm
Out of Character: I see your point but we wasted a couple of days already, I don't see how 10 minutes is going to make us reach the cleric any faster. Plus who knows if they are gone then there may be clues left about where they are now.
Out of Character:: I won't argue spending a little time here but, what is our action. (We agree we need to move on if we find nothing.)
Specific Action:: Look around in the cave we just fought in and that area for about 30 minutes. If we can enter the cave we search inside, then go south. Edited: Oliron on 2nd Nov, 2012 - 6:35pm
Out of Character: yes, we move on if we don't find anything but for me it will satisfy my curiosity plus we have lost the dark cleric like three times already so we need all the clues we can get.
In Character:: John is going to the cave where Lady Godiva went, and he makes sure to watch for traps after he enters the cave.
Specific Action:: Enter the cave where Lady Godiva went and look for traps inside the cave.