Out of Character: Felipe did you send in your combat rolls? Let me know and I will post actions just now, I don't want to wait for Oliron in vain and then its not only bad for him but all of us.
Out of Character: Oh sorry for not letting you know, Play. Anyway I have sent my rolls, here is my Specific Action.
Specific Action: Pull out the sword and use a lot of strength to strike the wolf. Edited: Felipe on 20th Nov, 2012 - 11:01pm
Out of Character: Most people are in Thanksgiving mode right now so we might not get timely messages so I went ahead and put up or actions.
Out of Character: That's true but I'm here today.
In Character: Taking a deep breath she heads towards the sound of the wolf and the men at arms trying not to hurl this mornings rations along the way.
Dante gets there and feels anxious that he can't participate in the fight but he looks on as support should anyone get wounded.
Out of Character: Lady and John both have super high armor so you should get through this fine but if not I'm here as backup.
Hearing the sound of battle, Tanar darts towards the cave. He was hoping in a strategic retreat (read: run away) but now is clear to him that the battle is enraging. &&& Specific action: join the group and see if there is enough space for him to shoot with the sling from behind.
Out of Character: I thought Tanar was watching the horses? I sent in combat rolls.
Specific Action: Lady Godiva fights the wolf and if she get a chance she will move Neihao away so he doesn't get more injured.
Out of Character: Tanar was watching the horses but a voice in his head said that something bad could happen if he kept staying out of the action. I was kind of chickening out, so it makes sense that I got this kind of warning.