Dante packs his remaining ration and says to the others,
"No way we can hide this wagon"
Specific Action: Try to hide the wagon. If possible Dante will drive it to some trees where the branches hang low over it then tie the horses. He will then follow Tanar to the hut and begin the assault.
Tanar recovers his belongings and borrows Neihao's armor and weapons. Then he sits down and, watching his companions getting busy, quickly consumes one of his rations. "Is getting dark", he says spitting around pieces of his hasted meal, "Maybe the guards will be totally drunk by the time we get there". Out of character: Guys, let's wait before attacking the guards. We don't know if the situation is still the same there. Specific Action: Recover his belongings, but not the staff, borrow armor and weapons from Neihao and eat a ration while the others secure wagon and horses. Then lead the party to the back of the hut, making a larger round, and once there assess the new situation.
Out of Character: I added our actions. It more than likely that we'll be asked for combat rolls so look out for it. Faster we get them in the faster we can see the outcome of this.
Out of Character: Flip! I'm never good with the dice, I got a 98! Dante must have showed up hitting his sword against his shield singing "Old wenches and ale in a tavern..."
Out of character: I can't roll. I went to the same place where I rolled last time, and my result is still listed, but anytime I try to roll it says: this is not your roll, please leave without a complain. I'm trying to use the standing d100 and, yes, I'm logged in.
Out of Character: Nothing we can do about it dude, try the support thread or bring it up in your intro so the mods or JB can look at it for you.
Dante continues his song while clicking his heels: "Old wenches and ale in a tavern..."
Out of Character: I just added my roll with no problems and if its any consolation to you Play I got a 96 so maybe we were both singing on our way there. A major change of plans now we might have to just rush them if we've been made out.
Out of character: I should be ok with my rolls. Looks like the dice page has some issue with the proxy I use for browsing. Our Gm will roll my dice until I find a solution (I hope as soon as possible). Fair, is the same in FE so don't wait for my rolls there.