Out of Character: How many HP did you start out with? I'm seeing 5 in your stats and you got 2 damage so far so.... How low are you willing to go before you think about bailing?
Out of Character: You're depending on your armor which is cool but your armor isn't stopping the drain damage. I think 1HP is way too low to like quit then.
Out of Character: Probably 2 HP is good enough, but I don't know what really happens if John continues fighting, first he made a good blow at the Cleric, which slowed him down, John will need more blows to kill the Cleric.
In Character: As best she can Lady Godiva tries to comfort the woman. Being a woman herself she can only imagine what terror she must have went through.
Specific Action: Check how hurt the woman is and if she can speak ask her what happened.
Out of Character: Just added actions. We can look over this again depending on how the next round goes. I know I got about 2-3 good rolls but the others were flops.
Out of Character: If he tries to escape I will corner him at the door but I don't know if I can take much damage. It also reads like he is draining you all to feed his own power. If that's the case just fighting the regular way isn't going to do.
Specific Action: After tending to the woman go back and help in the battle.
In Character: John starts to get more angry that he is constantly missing a blow at the Cleric, he tries one more blow at the Cleric before he moves [to go by] the wagon.
Specific Action: Try one more blow at the Cleric before he moves out of the [hut] to rest.