Camp - The Dark Cleric - Page 202 of 415

Out of Character:: Well... I don't - Page 202 - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 15th Jan, 2013 - 3:08pm

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15th Jan, 2013 - 4:00am / Post ID: #
Fighter Level 2
Character Sheet

Camp - The Dark Cleric - Page 202

Thus saith Sword specialist...

In Character: Seeing that Lady Godiva is so anxious Dante tries to calm her down, "All in time..."

He then looks at the others around the table, "First we need to see what skills these men have, how they will help us and what they expect in return. Then we need to figure out what you're asking but I don' think anyone in the village may know except maybe for the elders."

Specific Action: After getting to know the new comers Dante will report to the elders what happened so far and if they know the weakness of the cleric because of his draining powers.

Out of Character So is it going to be Bruconero for party leader?

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15th Jan, 2013 - 6:22am / Post ID: #

Cleric Dark - Camp

Out of Character: I'll try. I'll start posting the actions in the Party Leader Thread but better if you keep guiding the group for the rest of the scenario: my character knows little about the situation and can't suggest what to do or where to go.

15th Jan, 2013 - 11:22am / Post ID: #
Fighter Level 2
Character Sheet

Camp - The Dark Cleric RPG PBP Medieval World

Thus saith Sword specialist...

Out of Character: Party leader in WOM isn't like Dungeons & Dragons, its more of just copying and pasting our actions and making sure we stay in the two day limit. You don't make decisions for the party. I think JB has it this way so characters aren't dominated by the decisions of other characters but there's still an ordered way its presented to him. If you get too busy maybe Felipe can have a go.

15th Jan, 2013 - 2:19pm / Post ID: #

Page 202 Cleric Dark - Camp

Out of Character: Ok, probably I can do that. Do we have to make it official or I just tell JB about the change in my first party leader post? Talking about that, if you guys want to visit the market maybe it can be done as "Specific action" while still role-playing "In character" with the new party members. Just an idea. When everybody is ready, I'll make a generic post about the party going to meet the elders.

15th Jan, 2013 - 2:26pm / Post ID: #
Fighter Level 2
Character Sheet

Cleric Dark - Camp

Thus saith Sword specialist...

Out of Character: You can let him know in your next party order post but we need to get some thing squared away first. Plus for the new dudes the role play is cool and all but you guys need to get into the decisions we need to make now and then you can like role-play characters later.

First I've no gold. We have the war wagon and five horses, 2 pulling the wagon and each character from the original party has a horse. So now you guys are joining on foot. Its either you will be in the war wagon or we sell the wagon and get gold and horses for you guys. If you need to get more supplies then this can be done too. I really don't like the idea of moving around with the wagon anyways it brings too much attention.

Post Date: 15th Jan, 2013 - 2:44pm / Post ID: #

Camp - The Dark Cleric
A Friend

Camp - The Dark Cleric

Out of Character:: How much water does a flask hold? I don't care about the wagon either. Sell it. I'm not going to suggest anything in game because it is really not Thad's place as a newcomer.

In Character:: Thad hopes three days of food is enough, because he is completely broke. He decides to visit the well and fill up his flask. Then, he will accompany Dante and the others to the elders for more information.

Specific Action:: Fill flask with water. Go to the elders with Dante (if that's appropriate for a newcomer).

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15th Jan, 2013 - 2:59pm / Post ID: #
Fighter Level 2
Character Sheet

Camp - Dark Cleric - Page 202

Thus saith Sword specialist...

Out of Character: Probably not much but you can ask JB in the support thread. If you're looking to carry water you're better off with a water skin. Don't worry about being a newcomer dude, everything is liek equal here, you'll probably have to help save our characters at some point. I need to see if Felipe and Fair are in agreement with the wagon being sold, if it is you can get some thieves tools otherwise your character can only do like limited fights.

Post Date: 15th Jan, 2013 - 3:08pm / Post ID: #

Camp - The Dark Cleric
A Friend

Camp - Dark Cleric World Medieval PBP RPG - Page 202

Out of Character:: Well... I don't know how I missed the waterskin. I guess I thought that the flask was JB's equivalent of a waterskin. I need to change my specific action. Play, thieving tools would be nice. I just couldn't afford them.

In Character:: This flask ain't going to cut it, Thad thinks. He decides to go take it and his beloved forgery tools to the market and see if he can get a more appropriate receptacle for holding water.

Specific Action:: Thad goes to the market to try to sell or trade his flask and scroll, ink, feather, and case for a waterskin or two. Then, he will fill up his skin(s) with water before joining the others at the Elders.

> TOPIC: Camp - The Dark Cleric


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