Out of Character: Actions posted. I'm very curious about the answers to the questions asked by Play and sgtlee. The trip to East city will problem: I'm broke and only have rations for 2 days. What a great start...
In Character: She knows she dreads having to go to that wretched place again. She was hoping that the elders would give some help or say something to ease her mind about it but it didn't happen. She looks at the others to see if they will ask more questions or leave.
Out of Character: Maybe we can find others that no more about the cleric? But there?
Out of Character:: Is there anyone in the village we can ask about the Elders and the beginnings of the dark cleric? Like Scout or someone that you guys can think of? We maybe able to better arm ourselves with knowledge here, but we will have to go East city.
In Character:: If we can not find someone we trust to talk to and there is no library in this small village to read on events of the past that may give us advice. Aose prepares mentally for his travels to East City. He will sleep in the wagon to save on money.
In Character: Dante is surprised about the cleric being once an elder of the village. Then the thought occurs to him, do these elders have similar powers too? As he prepares to leave he whispers, "They must all be clerics."
He turns to Aose with a smirk on his face, "Didn't you want your sword blessed? Now's your chance."
Out of Character: You know what, we don't really interact with that much with people from the village except to buy equipment and the time at the tavern maybe we should investigate more before we leave.
Out of Character: Maybe we should ask the tavern keeper.
There is also the issue of the wagon. We can't just go in the city with that thing, they'll immediately know who we are. We might have to camp in the woods and then a couple of scout the city to see what's new since the last time Lady Godiva was there.
Out of Character: We can leave the wagon in the forest I think we did something similar before but then there's that problem of who will stay with it but like you said initially a couple of us can like scout around first. We should be able to hunt for food on our way there if we get low on food.
In Character: When John heard everything, he starts to become cautions with them, he says to Dante, "I wonder if these elders are helpers of the Cleric." After he said that he prepares to leave.