Camp - The Dark Cleric - Page 208 of 415

Out of Character: Why not. I remember those - Page 208 - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 21st Jan, 2013 - 12:42pm

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20th Jan, 2013 - 6:53pm / Post ID: #
Fighter Level 2
Character Sheet

Camp - The Dark Cleric - Page 208

Thus saith Sword specialist...

Out of Character: Dude, 150gps is like almost 4 times what characters start out with. I see Fair's character has 45 too so we're like totally saved. As for the no sharing rule I think JB is more about sharing equipment, but nothing says you can't buy stuff but cool if you clarify that with JB first.

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20th Jan, 2013 - 8:38pm / Post ID: #
Character Sheet

Cleric Dark - Camp

Thus saith Sword Master...

international QUOTE (JB)
Yes, characters can borrow from each other, but it should be just to perform an immediate task and not as a means to form a barter or cover faulty buying in the beginning.

This means that if you are paying for drinks, sure. If it is because a player forgot to buy a backpack to keep all his belongings, then no.

Out of Character: This is what JB said to my question to him, so actually now I cannot give gold to the other characters. sad.gif But I think there might be a way to get gold in faster way though.

Reconcile Edited: Felipe on 20th Jan, 2013 - 8:40pm

Post Date: 20th Jan, 2013 - 10:39pm / Post ID: #

Camp - The Dark Cleric
A Friend

Camp - The Dark Cleric RPG PBP Medieval World

Out of Character:: I have low soul so I can't do much in the way of bribing. I think Thad would be good at sifting through information at a library or something. However, there's no library on the Village's map. Is there one? I don't want to ask in character since I'm supposed to be from the Village and would probably know.

21st Jan, 2013 - 1:29am / Post ID: #
Lady Godiva
Character Sheet

Page 208 Cleric Dark - Camp

Thus saith AngloSaxon Noblewoman...

Out of Character: I would think that libraries are the things big cities would have not a village. We haven't left the elders yet so why don't we ask them about it, maybe they have their own archives or can lead us to a scribe that keeps the records.

21st Jan, 2013 - 3:06am / Post ID: #

Cleric Dark - Camp

Out of Character:: Agree with Lady Godiva.

Specific Action:: Ask Elders if they have a collection of the histories of the village and the Dark Cleric himself. Even if it is before he became twisted it could give us some insight into who he is and how to best deal with him. Ask the Elders if they have the ability to bless weapons or counter the draining effect of the Dark Cleric.

And the last question which could help us with the Dark Cleric...Why did he turn from you and become the Dark Cleric?

21st Jan, 2013 - 5:26am / Post ID: #

Camp - The Dark Cleric

Out of Character: I also agree with Fair. Written records are the best solution, I doubt the villagers can provide useful informations about our enemy. I will wait some hours. If nobody has anything to add I will then post our actions.

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21st Jan, 2013 - 11:39am / Post ID: #

Camp - Dark Cleric - Page 208

Out of Character: By the way, I read that our GM asked in the World of Medieval Support Thread if we want the FP (Forum Points)-to-Gold system to be activated again. For the new guys, that is the possibility to trade our Forum Points (earned posting in this forum) for gold. It would work only in the Village, so we have to decide before leaving if we want to use it to buy equipment. What do you think? My vote is: yes!

21st Jan, 2013 - 12:42pm / Post ID: #
Fighter Level 2
Character Sheet

Camp - Dark Cleric World Medieval PBP RPG - Page 208

Thus saith Sword specialist...

Out of Character: Why not. I remember those things. There were loads of fancy stuff going on here that JB took away to make everything more simple I think but it will be cool to have it back. Bruconero you have loads of FP (Forum Points) so you like stand to benefit the most!

I don't remember encountering any kind of library in the village but I know when we meet the characters JB role-plays like Horde, Scout and Wanderer they tend to give us some hints. When we have them in the party its the best because they know their stuff!

> TOPIC: Camp - The Dark Cleric


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