Out of Character: Actions posted and request for the forum Points-to-gold system applied. (laugh) Cagliostro will cast the more powerful spell of his career: "Morph into Donald Trump". Do they have limousines and rapper-like huge golden rings and chains in this village? It would fit so well with the character...
Out of Character: FP to gold system sounds good to me. I need more rations. I'd like to get some thieves tools or maybe some leather armor. Where would you go to exchange them once JB makes the change?
Edited: Tonatha on 21st Jan, 2013 - 3:30pm
Out of Character: I just checked out the change ratio. 10 FP for 1 gold. I'm not going to get rich. Cagliostro falls into deep depression seeing that his dream about pools of shining gold and diamonds is fading out. He leans on his wooden staff, turn his empty pockets upside down and thinks: "This is going to be a permanent condition. Poor me".
Out of Character: Tonatha you can get that from the exchange FP link JB posted. The exchange rate I think is about the same from last time, you weren't expecting a one for one exchange were you? Alright, so we did not get much from the elders but I do know about Horde. He can be hired or visited but the guy drinks like a fish!
Out of Character: We could seek out Horde. From what I read in passed scenarios he is a retired fighter in the village and can sometimes be hired but that's all I know. It seems JB has given the new guys a chance to get some gold and the time to do it so if you're going to do that you should say up front otherwise let's move ahead.
In Character: Lady Godiva bids the elders farewell and heads towards her horse. She looks at the new men at arms, "Do you all need to make any preparations before we head east?"
She looks at Cagliostro, "You plan to ask around before we leave?"
In Character: Cagliostro stops for a moment, lost in deep thoughts. "No, I don't think so", he answers finally,"I will keep my diplomatic ability for the scum in East City. At this moment I only need to get ready for the travel. I have to add a few rations to my gear and maybe one trinket or two". The magician looks distressed, not in his usual mood. His dreams of countless riches just lasted for the time necessary to blink the eyes and the impact with reality has been hard on the wannabe spellcaster.