Camp - The Dark Cleric - Page 215 of 415

QUOTE I can say Felipe's part is reduced - Page 215 - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 28th Jan, 2013 - 2:36am

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27th Jan, 2013 - 1:14pm / Post ID: #
Fighter Level 2
Character Sheet

Camp - The Dark Cleric - Page 215

Thus saith Sword specialist...

Out of Character: Strange that there is so much emphasis on the undertaker, is there like something more to this?

In Character: Dante feels a bit awkward in this situation more so that he knows he does not have any money to pay for it. He looks at Lady Godiva and then John since they were the ones that knew Tanar and Neihao and share equal responsibility in this.

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27th Jan, 2013 - 1:32pm / Post ID: #
Character Sheet

Cleric Dark - Camp

Thus saith Sword Master...

In Character: John says to the undertaker "OK, I will pay you 30 GPS for the more dignified burial you mentioned for my companions, Neihao and Tanar". John wanted to show respect to his two old companions. He doesn't respond to what the undertaker said, he doesn't want to tell him why John's companions are dead.

Specific Action: Say to the undertaker "OK, I will pay you 30 GPS for the more dignified burial you mentioned for my companions Neihao and Tanar" Pay the undertaker 30 GPS for the dignified burial for Neihao and Tanar.

Post Date: 27th Jan, 2013 - 2:42pm / Post ID: #

Camp - The Dark Cleric
A Friend

Camp - The Dark Cleric RPG PBP Medieval World

In Character: Thad was perfectly willing to dig a hole himself. However, he is pinching pennies as is and cannot afford to spare what this undertaker is asking. The backpack was not worth that much to him.

27th Jan, 2013 - 3:34pm / Post ID: #

Page 215 Cleric Dark - Camp

Cagliostro suggests to the other party members: "This gold I carry was found on their bodies and should be used for facilitate their trip to the afterlife". The magician has a serious attitude, very different from his usual joyful behaviour. "The final decision is up to you, but with these 17 John would have to add only other 13". Cagliostro suddenly stops, his tongue still touching the upper part of his mouth for the final "N". "Yes! This is the solution!", he shouts then in excitement, "This a sign, an omen! Can you see the magic of the numbers? Can you?".

27th Jan, 2013 - 3:38pm / Post ID: #
Fighter Level 2
Character Sheet

Cleric Dark - Camp

Thus saith Sword specialist...

Out of Character: Thanks Felipe but I'm still interested in the undertaker's tone.

Specific Action: Dante asks the undertaker what he means by ghosts. He also asks him if he knows anything about the dark cleric.

27th Jan, 2013 - 11:51pm / Post ID: #
Lady Godiva
Character Sheet

Camp - The Dark Cleric

Thus saith AngloSaxon Noblewoman...

In Character: Lady Godiva is not amused by the greediness of the undertaker fabricating stories of ghosts to try and frighten us into paying him more. She takes out 10 gps,

"This is my contribution to it all, ghosts or not."

She turns to the others,

"We should come back later to see how good our friends are taken care of..."

She looks at the undertaker with a look of mistrust while saying it to ensure he is truthful about what he will do.

Specific Action: Pull out 10 gps to contribute to the cost. She asks the undertaker how long it will take to dig the graves and when she should return to be part of the ceremony because she does not trust him.

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28th Jan, 2013 - 2:26am / Post ID: #

Camp - Dark Cleric - Page 215

Out of Character: So, we use the party gold for this or not? If I post your actions as they are, we pay 40 gold to the undertaker so maybe I can say Felipe's part is reduced to 20 gold only? Or maybe 10 from Felipe, 10 from Fair and 10 from the common pool?

28th Jan, 2013 - 2:36am / Post ID: #
Lady Godiva
Character Sheet

Camp - Dark Cleric World Medieval PBP RPG - Page 215

Thus saith AngloSaxon Noblewoman...

international QUOTE
I can say Felipe's part is reduced to 20 gold only? Or maybe 10 from Felipe, 10 from Fair and 10 from the common pool?

Out of Character: I think that is best since its not likely that Lady Godiva will just stand there and let John pay the whole thing.

> TOPIC: Camp - The Dark Cleric


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