Out of Character:: Cag's if two can sit in the front (which normally they can). I recommend you drive the wagon so if we get attacked I can defend with my bow. As a fighter I get 2 attacks to your 1 and have a higher change of hitting. Just a thought. If only 1 can ride in the front I will because I have higher armor.
Out of Character: I'd prefer to stay inside because I'm like a Dandelion, you know those flowers that look like whiteish cotton balls and that are dispersed by the slightest blow of wind. I don't need an enemy arrow to die, probably just hitting a suspended tree branch would be enough....
Out of Character: Well let's think about this. We have the dark cleric's war wagon which from the description is all black and built for fighting. Unless you plan to paint it all white and remove the studs I don't see how altering it is going to make it look less like the cleric's wagon. Then it takes two war horses to pull it and let's not forget that Horde said the spies of the cleric are everywhere. We haven't exactly been keeping the wagon a secret so everyone knows we have it. Maybe if we hid the wagon from the Village then we could have used it to go all through the east city without anyone bothering us but its not like that right now.
My idea with staying off the city is based on experience about the thieves and gangs there its a nightmare, almost everyone is out to get you. You should read what we went through in the start of the game thread.
So, in short, what did you have in mind with altering the wagon? For now we just need to meet with Horde's referral.
Out of Character: Maybe we should not even be bringing the wagon along, there must be somewhere we can leave it it has only served to be a distraction for now. Later we could use it when taking on an army in the desert.
Out of Character: (laugh) That's why I like you Fair! No, I'm not talking about your avatar (which is not bad, anyway) but about your humor. Back to the topic: I agree that leaving the wagon would solve many problems but would create other issues. Cagliostro and Aose are not equipped to camp in the wild, we need it for sleeping. Moreover, if we have to ride the warhorses we need to buy the saddles and all the other necessary equipment which cost gold.
Out of Character: That's the reason for my 'parking it in the forest' suggestion sounds good but it is up to you because I have a horse to rely on and I know at some point we will get attacked and you might need the wagon to hide in.
Out of Character: The point is that traveling with that thing is like announcing to all the population of East City that we are coming to create troubles. Not important if we hide it a few miles before the city, the spies are everywhere right? But if we leave it here, how do we organize our trip?