Out of Character: Then you need to weight the pros and cons of it. We are moving with the wagon as if its an essential part of our mission and it really isn't. I think this is just about the magician being in his comfort zone once the wagon is around .
In Character: John waits for the funeral to start and when it does, he will watch the funeral respectfully.
Specific Action: wait for the funeral to start and when it does, watch the funeral respectfully and try to remember the dead companions. Edited: Felipe on 2nd Feb, 2013 - 9:54pm
Out of Character: This wagon talk has me like totally giddy. Why don't we just burn the thing and then both of you get a horse each. Yeah, you have to buy a saddle so what, it would cost you more to buy a war horse!
In Character: Dante feels uneasy. Between watching a funeral and planning a trip to a city that is basically a den for thieves he wonders if anything good is in his future.
Out of Character: The saddle, the oats bag and the provisions for the trip will be more or less 20 gold, and that's only the essential equipment. If for sgtlee is ok, I will exchange more FP so we can travel by horse and leave the wagon somewhere
Out of Character: Its 2 days already so don't take long with your decision on the wagon / horses we don't need any more penalties than we have going into east city.
In Character: Lady Godiva watches the men squabble over the wagon. She sighs while talking to her horse, "Men can be so simple..."
Out of Character: I know we are late but I think I should give the chance to sgtlee to state his opinion. He would have to buy the equipment also and I can't spend his money...even if Cagliostro would love to...
Out of Character:: I like the idea of the wagon because it can carry more, gold, bodies, etc. And offers some protection from attack and the elements. But from reading over the previous combat we can survive without it and it will become a burden.
In Character:: I will purchase the saddle and oats. And we can move out without the wagon. Aose is a tracker and skinner he can live outside.