Camp - The Dark Cleric - Page 231 of 415

Out of Character:: Now we have to beat some - Page 231 - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 20th Feb, 2013 - 10:43am

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18th Feb, 2013 - 7:29pm / Post ID: #
Character Sheet

Camp - The Dark Cleric - Page 231

Thus saith Sword Master...

Out Of Character: laugh.gif Bruconero, I don't think that plan will work, I do believe there is some kind of "Order" with the scenario and the GM. Another thing too is you never know what the situation will turn out, the scenario is not like your order, there will be a lot of things that you be expecting that will not come at all.

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19th Feb, 2013 - 10:23am / Post ID: #

Cleric Dark - Camp

Out of Character: Of course we will never know how a plan will turn out and there are always many things that could not go as expected. This is true for every plan, not only for mine. But that's not a good reason to stop making plans. When you try to hit an enemy in combat you don't know if your roll will be good or bad but this doesn't prevent you from trying. Same as when you want to date a girl you like: how can you know if you will get the date if you don't try?

Anyway, there's a good reason why my plan is not good at all, something I didn't consider yesterday: even if everything went well, after doing something like that Cagliostro would not be able to set foot in East City again (nobody likes to be cheated on, right?)! So I have to change.

Specific Action: Smiling at the crowd, Cagliostro mounts on the horse. He hides both hands behind his back keeping the coin in one of them. Then, he chooses a child, one of the more ragged and rundown. He asks the kid to approach and, showing him both fists, he asks: "So, little one. I sense you may have some power within yourself. Show it to me: can you guess in which of my fists I'm hiding the magic coin you saw before?".
Whatever the answer, left or right, he will tell the kid he guessed right and toss him the gold coin. After that, he will slowly ride away from the mob and towards the camp.

19th Feb, 2013 - 2:52pm / Post ID: #
Lady Godiva
Character Sheet

Camp - The Dark Cleric RPG PBP Medieval World

Thus saith AngloSaxon Noblewoman...

Out of Character: laugh.gif Bruconero that is one of the funniest occasions I've read happen to a character. You thought you were doing magic tricks but those kids are way smarter than you. Are we just going to hang til night time?

In Character: Lady Godiva looks at the scrawny magic man sternly after seeing him frantically looking for his pouch of gold... "You lost our gold?" She stomps her foot once and paces a bit.

19th Feb, 2013 - 6:11pm / Post ID: #
Character Sheet

Page 231 Cleric Dark - Camp

Thus saith Sword Master...

In Character: John is surprised to see Cagliostro had lost his gold and after a while he is not surprised anymore now, and he says to Cagliostro, "hmm, you lost your gold?"

19th Feb, 2013 - 11:38pm / Post ID: #

Cleric Dark - Camp

Out of Character: This is the proof that children ARE evil... I should stick to my original plan, no use in trying to make friends in this cursed city! But now the question is: which purse is missing? I had my gold and the party gold in two different places.

Anyway, I think we should scout that place near the river during the day so we not only will know exactly where this Jacobson wants to meet us but also get a plan to protect us against ambushes or other dirty tricks (they are EVIL, EVIL, EVIL (laugh)).

In Character: Cagliostro unmounts from his horse, sits where the rest of the party is and starts reorganizing his equipment while Lady Godiva makes her report about the meeting with Horde's friend. Suddenly, he lets go a short cry as he realizes one of the purses is missing. "Filthy scum", he comments in anger, "This is how they show their gratitude for giving them some quality entertainment!".
The wannabe wizard falls into a mourning silence, like if he lost a dear companion. "My gold", he thinks to himself, "My little, shiny, precious gold. Gone". Images of dreadful vengeance form in his mind as he swears an oath to get his revenge on those people. "Revenge is a dish that is better enjoyed if served cold", he reminds to himself. "I have no hurry. One day, they will pay for this. And the bill will be an expensive one".
Cagliostro stands up, dark clouds covering his face, and tells the group his version about the recent events.

20th Feb, 2013 - 12:04am / Post ID: #
Fighter Level 2
Character Sheet

Camp - The Dark Cleric

Thus saith Sword specialist...

Out of Character: Way too funny. So, you believe me now Merlin?

In Character: Dante does not comment about the magician's report but he does show his frustration over the lost of the party gold. He hopes that it isn't an omen of how things will turn out.

"Scouting the area is good but not all of us. We have already attracted enough attention and we just got here. How do you know you weren't followed?"

Dante looks at them and then starts looking around. He thinks, if he could lose gold so easily he could definitely lose his stealth as well.

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20th Feb, 2013 - 12:19am / Post ID: #

Camp - Dark Cleric - Page 231

Out of Character: Reading again the sweet news that the GM gave me, I guess that I really lost both: my gold and the party gold. Bad boy, Cagliostro, bad boy. Nobody wants to clap his hands to my brilliant performance?
Really, I should have gone with my first idea and make the wrath of the Dark Cleric fall upon them for giving away his hideout....

20th Feb, 2013 - 10:43am / Post ID: #

Camp - Dark Cleric World Medieval PBP RPG - Page 231

Out of Character:: Now we have to beat some kids up to get our loot back. Sorry this okinawan ip is killing me. I move back to the states in May that should help.

In Character:: Listens to Cags and shakes his head. Looks at Lady Godiva. "We should scout the area incase it's a trap. I will go with a scout team."

Reconcile Edited: sgtlee on 20th Feb, 2013 - 2:51pm

> TOPIC: Camp - The Dark Cleric


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