Camp - The Dark Cleric - Page 232 of 415

In Character:: Dante because we are unfamiliar - Page 232 - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 21st Feb, 2013 - 10:35am

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20th Feb, 2013 - 2:35pm / Post ID: #
Fighter Level 2
Character Sheet

Camp - The Dark Cleric - Page 232

Thus saith Sword specialist...

In Character: Dante looks on at the wannabe wizard without saying a word, his own actions are probably guilt enough. He sighs. Then he looks at Lady Godiva,

"Do you want to scout that area or should I?"

Out of Character: Sgtlee! Dude you need to read the story before you post, they're already back and telling us what happened. You also need to kick your ISP in the butt and tell them to get their act together.

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20th Feb, 2013 - 2:54pm / Post ID: #

Cleric Dark - Camp

In Character::Dante I think we should both scout it together and stay hidden in the area. Incase things go bad.

Specific Action:: go with Dante to scout the meeting area if this is agreed upon.

20th Feb, 2013 - 3:02pm / Post ID: #
Fighter Level 2
Character Sheet

Camp - The Dark Cleric RPG PBP Medieval World

Thus saith Sword specialist...

In Character: Dante looks at Aose a bit apprehensively,

"The two by two thing will bring too much attention. It is much better for one of us to go it alone."

Dante sort of looks at the magician with a grin at his wanting to do the same when Lady Godiva went to meet Horde's friend.

Dante then suggests,

"Possibly you can go if you wish?"

20th Feb, 2013 - 4:13pm / Post ID: #

Page 232 Cleric Dark - Camp

Out of Character: Yes, yes, I lost all the gold. But don't forget that we don't know what would have happened if I didn't set up my little show. I didn't do it by whim. The situation was like this:
Everybody looking at the horse and recognizing it while Lady Godiva was inside with Jacobson. A crowd surrounding me and asking who I am, why I was there and where did I get that horse. Lady Godiva coming out of the hut with the man shouting at her and ordering her to go away....
Enough to fear for our lives, don't you think? What would you do in such a situation, considering that you have 4 hit points? Honestly, I'm satisfied with the result because I was quite sure that my character would die.

In my opinion, at least two people should scout the area if not all of us. If we all move there and camp until the night it will be less suspicious than a single person going back and forth.

20th Feb, 2013 - 5:10pm / Post ID: #
Fighter Level 2
Character Sheet

Cleric Dark - Camp

Thus saith Sword specialist...

Out of Character: Why would we move everyone there without scouting it first? That's like what a scout does - goes ahead and checks for a place that's safe for the rest.

20th Feb, 2013 - 7:48pm / Post ID: #
Character Sheet

Camp - The Dark Cleric

Thus saith Sword Master...

Out of Character: This East City doesn't seem like a nice or safe place at all, how we can find a safe place around it?

In Character: John says to the group, "I wonder if this man is a helper of the Dark Cleric I can go and scout around if you all agree".

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21st Feb, 2013 - 1:16am / Post ID: #
Fighter Level 2
Character Sheet

Camp - Dark Cleric - Page 232

Thus saith Sword specialist...

In Character: Dante insists that moving altogether within the boundaries of east city will just make it bad for everyone but he is not forceful about it because he knows he makes up part of a whole so he sits back down with and puts a piece of roasted rabbit meat in his mouth still wondering if the other two were followed back.

Specific Action: Dante wants to check the surrounds of the camp to see if anyone may have followed Lady Godiva and Cagliostro back.

21st Feb, 2013 - 10:35am / Post ID: #

Camp - Dark Cleric World Medieval PBP RPG - Page 232

In Character:: Dante because we are unfamiliar with the area I think we should work in a pair. If it was a area familiar to us I would say send one. It is your call you have tangled with the Dark Cleric and his friends before and I have not. I will leave the call to our experience. But I highly. Doubt this guy works with the Dark Cleric. Horde does not see like the kind of guy to set us up like that. It does not mean that he isn't being followed or spied on.

Out of Character:: wait on group call for who scouts.

> TOPIC: Camp - The Dark Cleric


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