Out of Character: Sgtlee, Play has a point there. I can't see your roll neither. You have to use the community dice on top of the page for JB's games: each roll is registered and directly submitted to him. If you don't use that, is like you never rolled.
Out of Character: Actually we were just waiting for the rolls so I didn't wait too long before posting (I would have waited even less if my internet connection didn't create me so much problemsa like in the last two days...)
Out of Character: Sgtlee, looks like your roll wasn't registered. You have to click on the "Dice" link on top of the World of Medieval main page, select the Community Dice link and from there the Standing d20. Fill all the required fields and roll. If the roll is registered, you will see your roll result and a line that sounds more or less like this: "The GM has been notified about your roll".
Out of Character: He won't get the GM notified bit, that's on combat rolls. If he does it right he should see his roll on this page: Standing D20
In Character: Lady Godiva squints to see where Aose is going. They had already discussed where he would be but why was he moving? Then she sees the hog - Oh no!
Out of Character: Aose is in trouble now and if anyone is around all this noise will give us away!
Specific Action: Lady Godiva first checks to see if anyone is around and then tries to assist Aose on foot leaving her horse with the command to "Stay!"