In Character: "Grouth has volunteered, let him go." says Lady Godiva knowing that she was already seen by all there.
Specific Action:. Return to her home. She will wait for word of Grouth's return with his findings.
Out of Character: I will wait for confirmation. If Kntoran wants to go I will post the actions: we still have a few hours time.
Specific Action: Cagliostro will head home, make a hot herbal tea to warm his body, and get some rest after his ride to the river.
Out of Character: I kind of feel bad that Grouth will go it alone so I will go with him but more off to the side and not really like how Lady and the coin man did it.
Specific Action: Dante will see out a disguise, something that will make him look more like the people from East city. He will then make a plan with Grouth to go at night to the city.
Out of Character: I waited for KNtoran to confirm his intention to go to East City but, in the end, I had to post our actions because the time was over.
KNtoran: Reading the last pages I saw that you insisted several times about wanting to go to East City so I took the freedom to make it your action also because you would not go alone. For the future, try to post an action within the two days because if I don't have any I can only create one for you (risking to make a mess) or skip your action in the Party Leader post which means almost certainly a penalty from the Master (which is not nice as well). So, in either case, you force me to do something I would rather not do.
Specific Action: Grouth will make sure his horse is well cared for at home while he makes the trek to the east city.
In Character: Grouth will make sure his food and water are ready and head to the east city to make contact with our contact to find out why he did not appear.
In Character: Dante makes a plan with Grouth to get the information needed without being discovered.
Out of Character: This is probably a job for thieves but since there are none. I will buy the items. I have a horse so we can get there faster but at the same time I don't think we should go there riding in. We should go by night and about 50 feet apart so we aren't made out to be like working together. You game?
Out of Character: We got an official reminder after being late a few times. I will have to be more strict about when I post the update. Please note that I might post actions BEFORE the 2 days deadline is due because of different time zones. Comparing with average US time zone, I'm roughly a 12 hours ahead of you guys so my night is your morning and backwards. I'm saying this because is possible that, if I'm about to go sleep when the count is, for example, 1 day and 15 hours since the last Game Update, I will have to post without waiting any further.
To give everybody a clearer idea, my local time is now Monday 29 April 11:51 am.