Specific Action: Cagliostro will wear his black cloak, use the hood to hide his features and go along with the rest of the group after hiding the horses in the woods: he will ask Dante permission to use the rest of his rope to tie his horse.
Out of Character: Posting actions....
Out of Character: Finally, we're here. On one hand the crowd like gives us some cover but with no place to sit how do we even blend in?
In Character: Dante surveys the place and looks at the others... "How are we going to do this?"
Out of Character: Dante would not know this but last time we were here there was like a back entrance and a side kitchen. Too bad we don't have a thief to check out the place. We could try entering from the top but unless we're like directly looking for a fight that may not be wise.
Out of Character: I think the first thing that should be done is one of you needs to walk in normally and buy a drink. Take a good look around and then come back outside. We can probably see you from out here in case of trouble. I can do a 360 around the inn to see if its the same as before. Then we can make a plan. Agreed?
Out of Character: Since I've been there before it shouldn't be me, one of you could go.
Specific Action:: Lady Godiva puts her cloak over her face and makes a 360 around the inn to see all what is new there such as alternative entrances.