In Character: Dante steps back looking at the magic coin man with suspicion as to his mental steadiness. It makes him nervous that he doesn't know what he would do. He imagines what he would do to Cagliostro in a push come to shove situation.
Specific Action: Awaits the return of Lady and John before making a move.
Out of Character: (laugh) Play, this is what a Chaotic alignment is: a pain in the butt for the rest of the party. My last character was Lawful but, alas, he's dead...
Specific Action: Wait for John and Lady Godiva before deciding what doing next.
Out of Character: There isn't like any kind of alignment system in medieval so if you chose to be that way its just like how you want your character to be.
Out of Character: Yes, of course. But is normal to give a personality to a character. What I meant is that most of the weird things Cagliostro does are not because I'm like that in real life (Laugh) Is just the way I like to play him. Last character was boring like hell so I wanted the second one to be fun.
Out of Character: Just in case I re-posted my action only to not make it too far back on the pages.
Specific Action: John will continue to look around the back of the tavern to see what he can find or spot.
Out of Character: Flip, no actions posted and this is like the worst place for this kind of thing to happen now.
Specific Action: Got an 18.