In Character: John thought to himself "So [you are the] woman who is so called, "Wanderer" From the tales I have heard from people before, hmm, I am sure [you] can be a good warrior for the group".
Say to the Wanderer "Well Hello Wanderer, about your question, I have already answered that already, I said that I was looking for you but it looks I am successful, but, you can join me and my comrades if you want, if you don't, I will just have to say goodbye and go back to the tavern".
In Character: "Why look for me?"
She places her hands on her chest and becomes more crossed as her brows come closer together. If you had any doubts if she was angry then it is confirmed now.
"Ye fools should not be looking for me, ye should move away far as ye be in my way. I can then do this properly without having to wonder how ye will spoil my plans."
In Character: John thought to himself "Oh well, it looks like Wanderer doesn't join the group". Then he says to her, "Alright, alright, I will have to go now, bye". John is a slightly annoyed by Wanderer because she gets angry so quickly, John doesn't want to fight her at this time since her advantage is high but he stays quiet after his reply.
Specific Action: John will try to go back to the tavern to meet up with the group only if Wanderer allows him if to do that now.
Edited: Felipe on 14th Jul, 2013 - 6:20pm
Out of Character: Dude we need her on our side not as our enemy. She is harsh but so is her fighting skills.
In Character: Dante comments softly, "What's taking John so long?"
In Character: Replying back to Dante, "Maybe its a date" She laughs mildly thinking the time is too short to be wondering where John is already.
Specific Action: Lady Godiva continues to wait.
Out of Character: PlayByPost, if John continues to pester Wanderer she will just kill him off, plus, I am sure it will cost lots of gold to hire her to be on our side but we cannot afford that.