Out of Character: Actions posted. I will set guard on the door that Grouth just bashed open and leave the diplomacy to you guys. Honestly, I would be a good candidate for parlay also but I think intimidation will work better in this case and Cagliostro isn't exactly menacing....
In Character: John starting to get angry with the woman but he still have no intent of killing her just yet.
Specific Action: John moves the head of the woman so she can face him and he puts his sword near the woman's neck (At the center) as a warning and he says to her "You be quiet, I will repeat my question again, "Do you know the Dark Cleric? Do you know at least anything about him?".
Edited: Felipe on 29th Jul, 2013 - 5:04pm
Out of Character: Felipe, that's like a totally big come back from not wanting to hurt a fly.
In Character: Dante looks on over John's shoulders. He gives the wench the look of death if she does not answer the question.
Specific Action: Dante will try to intimidate the wench as well but his question will be different. "Who is downstairs and what is there?"
Specific Action: Grouth will ask For someone to bring a candle or lantern so we can see down the steps.
I think the wench may be the bartenders wife or lover so I doubt we will get much out of either one. I say we tie them up and drag them downstairs with us. Make her lead the way so if there is a trap at the bottom she takes the brunt of it.
In Character: Lady Godiva keeps looking on and then she suddenly realizes... What about upstairs?
Specific Action: Specifically ask the wench what is upstairs but check for herself anyway.
Out of Character: Cool you remembered that, we could be like focusing on all that's happening here and be like totally ambushed by whatever might be upstairs.
Out of Character: I almost forgot about it. I was going to say my character would check the front door but then I thought about the rest of the room and forgot we didn't try the stairs yet.