Out of Character: We made it out of that mess and what a mess it was and all we were trying to do is get some information on the cleric. We need to be better organized as a party. We also experienced way too many bad luck periods simply because actions weren't posted in time.
So, what are you guys going to spend your one point on, body, mind or soul?
Out of Character: I'm like totally tempted to put it on Body but my Soul sucks real bad right now and when its time for saving its Soul that counts.
Cool thing I was just thinking is everyone that's in this game is a premium member with FP so we have enough to transfer FP and get some serious equipment. There ain't no stopping us.
Out of Character: OK, I rolled a D6 dice in the member wars board and I obtained a 3, so now the maximum amount of HP that my character can have is 14. I was thinking of adding a point to body but I decide to put it on soul.
Out of Character: Being as you're a fighter your body should be better but I know what you mean with Soul, JB puts the fear of a low Soul in all of us
Out of Character: What about mind, I don't ever recall having being asked to roll against it but then again Dante never uses his mind for anything .
Out of Character: Mind check is probably more to do with the magic character class but it could also be about figuring out something. We really have not been in situations to use it I guess.