Out of Character: So its been awhile now and I checked my sword and its starting to get a little rust on the edge. A little break was cool but I think we need to start back like soon. I'm going to ask JB about it.
Out of Character: Let's see... Who has the most gold here that could probably hire a couple of thieves?
In Character: Dante falls to sleep on his sword. He does not even realize how tired he is or maybe it is the sheer boredom of waiting for everyone else to get their stuff in order. A fly lands on his nose and it awakens him, "Who? What?" He staggers up trying to understand what has happened since he experienced lights out.
Out of Character: No one new has joined with the intentions of creating a thief so we have a long wait. Worst off is someone joining and creates like another warrior or magic-user (Useless).
Out of Character: Just checking in. No new thieves yet? Maybe we should give looking for the cleric a rest and go after smaller fish to fry?
Out of Character: No thieves. We probably have to wait a long while for that to happen. Since KN doesn't want to maybe you and I can try and pool our gold and like hire someone?
Out of Character: JB opened back the game with an off shoot scenario that I guess will somehow play in with getting the cleric so we need to get back posting here again. Who is in as a head count.
In Character: Lady Godiva is most concerned by this news but how does she know that the same elders that are telling her this aren't themselves working for the cleric and setting us up for a trap. She looks at the others in the room to see what they're thinking about all of this.