Out of Character: Is it only Dante and Lady that have been here before?
In Character: When everyone is at the mountain's edge Lady Godiva mentions that its necessary to investigate this because it could end up being a signaling spot or a trap if we have to escape. She looks at Lodewic and asks him to use his skills to check out the terrain. She then asks the rest,
"Who will go up there? A couple of us should stay to watch the horses."
"I'll stay and watch the horses." Rasputin wasn't very good at climbing and he'd rather avoid making a fool of himself. But, if the wench went up there, he was going too. He wasn't about to be out done by a simple bar maiden.
Out of Character: Felipe was here as well. Edited: Rasputin on 26th Sep, 2014 - 3:14am
Out of Character: I think we have to make a body check to go up at least I think that is what happened last time. I don't mind going up.
In Character: Dante thanks Lodewic for the info and then asks Rasputin to watch his horse while he takes a look.
In Character: Lady Godiva thanks Lodewic adding,
"You are useful..."
She then dismounts and takes her horse over to Grouth.
"Please watch her while I take care of this."
She then attempts the mountain.
Out of Character: Of all my luck I had to get an 18.
In Character: Dante takes a look but thinks some rope should help this situation, he call out to Lodewic about it.