In Character: "We should not go up that mountain again, at least I'm not. Let's have a look at what's on the ground that the birds are jealous about."
In Character: Dante looks at the mess and says, "These birds did worst to Rasputin than the bandits did." Then he laughingly says, "Any of you want his clothes?"
Out of Character: So we head into Death's Mouth?
Out of Character: I don't mind going in for now BUT I do not want to go all the way to the other end because we may as well kill off our characters now.
Dante surveys everything looking for any kind of ambush. He hopes his horse will not fail him if he needs to escape.
In Character: Dante shouts "Retreat!" And rides back towards Lady Godiva looking back to make sure he isn't being followed.
Out of Character: This is what I was afraid of, they will want revenge.