This is what I figured may happen if they had built up again. Now we ride out of deaths mouth and set up to soot them with arrows like they did us and when they get closer we take out as many as we can until they flee back in. I doubt they will send a whole lot. I think we can take them.
Out of Character: But outside of Death's Mouth is just open field, there isn't any cover so we'll be an easier target.
Walls? You mean you want to wait at the actual opening and have us act like a wall? I'm still trying to picture what we're using as cover.
Out of Character: That's all hypothetical from the sounds of it. We don't even know if they will give chase or even try something we didn't see coming but the sound of the horn does not sound good.
In Character: This situation makes Lady Godiva very nervous. Knowing that they were about to ambush the party does not bring her any comfort. She looks all over, everywhere for more bandits.
In Character: Dante sits on his horse. "That was obviously some call to let others know we are here... Doesn't mean they will catch up with us but I'm not sure if I want to find out."