"They maybe just saying it because none of them I've met has done any better than stand around taking up the precious space we need to swing a sword."
"Even so the fighters have not been forthcoming either. Even if a thief will be available to us that will be nice but it would seem that magicians, as weak a they are, tend to be more forth coming."
"So true, we are lik the last of the honorable, here and ready to fight but no one is brave enough to stand with us - cowards!"
"I have the feeling one of those..." Dante points at a wench, "Might do better for us than any coward new comer that has never swung a sword before!" He hiccups from too much ale.
"Leave the poor wench alone, she might rather throw her lunch in your face than deal with the likes of you!"
Dante laughs, "You might be right about that, but I was just illustrating not being literal my lady." Dante winks knowing his alter ego as a man could mean he is lying.
"Sure not literal..." She rolls her eyes at Dante not believing his manly ideals. "I know men, and I know exactly what you meant."