Out of Character: So let me get this straight, we burn a body in our camp so everyone can know we are there and then we move closer to the city and put traps at night?
Lancelot doesn't feel comfortable here so he gets ready for any action that might come.
Out of Character:: We need combat rolls, I'm not sure how to do that, I forget. If someone could start a combat roll I could copy their procedure. I like the idea of becoming regulars at the Inn. Like, hanging out there and buying drinks and stuff.
Lady Godiva wonders if this is the moment she has been waiting for... But not like this... Not in the dark, it makes her way too easy a target.
Out of Character: Source 3 then WOM combat dice.
If we die here today then we would have deserved it. Our actions up to this point make us less heroes and more like loonies Lancelot thinks to himself.
Jonathon looks on calmly as he smiles and with a wave and words spoken softly strange growling sounds start from within the camp as if from some beast or wolf and Jonathon hopes that it will serve at least as a distraction if not cause who ever is there to rethink causing any trouble.
Out of Character:: Must you think negitively, heroes aren't born overnight Also, are there magic rolls and if so what do I roll. Hopefully this is small enough magic, scary sounds isn't much I think personally but I still am not sure what I would be allowed to do at this level.
Edited: Thomaslee on 25th Jul, 2011 - 12:02pm
Out of Character:: What magic dude? You're at zero level you don't have magic.
Lancelot wonders how well it will be to fight only with firelight. Will he accidentally hit his own party? He hopes not.
Out of Character: thanks for the heads up on that Play by Post I was wondering where to start. I sent in my combat roll thats a cool system although I had no clue what all those numbers meant.