When Lancelot tells Lady Godiva about what he heard at the different doors she wonders why she didn't think about this before instead of just listening from her room.
"It couldn't be that easy could it... The room with the chants being the dark cleric we are after?"
Out of Character:: I agree we should not all go as a group. The one with best soul should approach these rooms in case any talking needs to take place.
Out of Character:: But you also realize she is female and not supposed to be there in the first place so how can she talk with anyone? Didn't we cover this before?
Your saying that she can't hide the fact? That and if your character keeps 'hiding' while we are here others might suspect more then if you talked to people.
Not positive, so I will ask JB if anything special needs to be done to make sure Lady Godiva is not discovered.
Since currently Jonathon has been the most charismatic I guess I can have him poke around. I'm fine with that.
Out of Character:; I don't understand what you are saying it is less about the fact that I'm disguised and more about when I open my mouth they will know I'm female, capice?
Out of Character:: Perhaps what we can do is split up and each try a door of our own so we gather information at the same time. If anyone is like in need of urgent help then they can holler at us to come help. Say if you guys want to do this or just have Jonathon go out on his own. Oliron could also go since he's the thief and should be more out there checking things rather than being in a room. Anyways I want to post up PO so like let me know.
Out of Character:: I agree with that. You can have me check one of the rooms too but I do not want to cause any trouble by opening my mouth... I've already seen what a Soul toll can do and it ain't pretty.
Out of Character:: You guys are crazy, you want to go busting into all these rooms? I can see this ending very badly for us. If your guys plan consists of searching all these rooms, possibly forcefully, then Neihao is out. He will leave in the night and regroup with the new characters.