Camp - The Dark Cleric - Page 90 of 415

Got my rolls in, I had to re-roll because - Page 90 - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 1st Oct, 2011 - 10:58pm

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29th Sep, 2011 - 6:01pm / Post ID: #

Camp - The Dark Cleric - Page 90

Out of Character:: I think we are good to go here, Neihao has his action as does the Lady. I would just as soon kill this guy than get information about him. He seems pretty evil and would be better off dead anyway. Either way we should try and find some new costumes or a hiding spot to ambush from.

Reconcile Edited: Oliron on 29th Sep, 2011 - 6:02pm

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29th Sep, 2011 - 6:30pm / Post ID: #
Lady Godiva
Character Sheet

Cleric Dark - Camp

Thus saith AngloSaxon Noblewoman...

Out of Character: I agree its been way too long since we posted our last actions. It will be nice to have some flow to getting our actions up rather than a gap of time just waiting.

30th Sep, 2011 - 5:53pm / Post ID: #

Camp - The Dark Cleric RPG PBP Medieval World

Neihao hears the voice and is crippled in fear knowing he is doomed and severely outnumbered. He barley even knows the people and hasn't seen the magician do much of anything (no offense). he is with He looks confused for a mila-second then says, "Sorry guys I ain't dyin' here, run."

Specific Action: Neihao runs back to the stairs leading up (by the trap door) and books up them as quick as he can, heading for the outside.

Out of Character:: We had a good run, I am sot of wondering why the GM would railroad us like this after all that. I mean a squeaky door hinge, I don't know seems kind of trivial considering all it took to get here. My guess is escape is impossible for some reason or another probably, anyway I'm going to try for it.

Reconcile Edited: Oliron on 30th Sep, 2011 - 5:54pm

30th Sep, 2011 - 6:10pm / Post ID: #

Page 90 Cleric Dark - Camp

Jonathon grips the man's arm. "Wait," he said softly, "We can get out of this, I don't want to die either, but do you seriuosly think that they will let us leave?"

30th Sep, 2011 - 6:52pm / Post ID: #
Lady Godiva
Character Sheet

Cleric Dark - Camp

Thus saith AngloSaxon Noblewoman...

Lady Godiva cringes at the sound of the door hinge and her first thought is she should have left it for Neihao to open. Nevermind she thinks quickly as she freezes and then aims her bow at the door.

Out of Character:: Maybe the hinge sound is a trap that no one checked for but it is plausible.

Specific Action: Lady Godiva immediately aims her bow at the door where the statue is as soon as she sees someone she fires!

1st Oct, 2011 - 4:30am / Post ID: #

Camp - The Dark Cleric

Out of Character:: Alight I will stick around for like, one round of combat. If it looks like we are going down hard I'm running. Honestly I think Neihao would run, if I was playing my character as he would do. However you guys are staying and fighting and I won't leave you another man down, that's just bad form.

Specific Action: Crouch in the shadows between the door and the party. Get ready for battle and defending his companions.

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1st Oct, 2011 - 8:55pm / Post ID: #
Lady Godiva
Character Sheet

Camp - Dark Cleric - Page 90

Thus saith AngloSaxon Noblewoman...

Out of Character: I sent in my roll. Lots of figures in there but I did see some good ones for me plus my reaction was way higher.

Lady Godiva isn't hesitant she fires her arrow hoping to make good of her bow.

1st Oct, 2011 - 10:58pm / Post ID: #

Camp - Dark Cleric World Medieval PBP RPG - Page 90

Got my rolls in, I had to re-roll because I forgot to put my short sword into the slot. I didn't really look at the roll numbers I only had a moment to put them in and had to log off.

> TOPIC: Camp - The Dark Cleric


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