John answers:
"About that person who was talking to someone about the dark cleric's hideout, he saw me trying to hear what they were talking about, they ran away. Maybe they were the dark cleric's men? If I was one of the dark cleric's men, I would not tell all of you his hideout! I have found my journey, which is to stop the dark cleric!"
"Neihao, are you OK?"
Lady Godiva looks at John to explain Neihao,
"Never mind him, he has been drinking all afternoon and probably does not recognize us where he is or where we are at the moment."
Out of Character:: No thanks on the leader role. I say it should be either you Play or Oliron since both of you are the more experienced ones.
Merlin laughs about Neihao and then checks his gear. He wants to start this mission without anymore delay.
Out of Character:: I will do it only if Oliron really, really doesn't want to do it.
Out of Character:: I can give it a whirl though I often feel less than adequate in the role. I have several times missed peoples posts or was so focused on what I wanted to do I misinterpreted what they were conveying. That said, I will take on the role to the best of my abilities if you'll have me.
Neihao pushes his doubts from his mind, grins at Lady Godiva and Merlin, while taking a deep breath.
*It will be what it will be*, He thinks to himself.
"I could use another round.", he grumbles. Edited: Oliron on 28th May, 2012 - 2:01am
Out of Character:: Hey I can live with that so long as you don't send my character to his death or something like that.
Merlin looks at the group and emphasizes a need for speed now that an extra sword is in the group.
"What's our next step then? We have no leads right now and we need to make a move."
John thinks about how the group will fight to stop the Dark Cleric.
He turns to Merlin and says,
"Merlin, this group's journey is to stop the Dark Cleric, if it is... Then why are we still here?
Merlin sees John's enthusiasm to begin,
"You're right! We need to come up with a plan. I think a visit to the village Elders is a good start because they may know something new."