"if we do this then we need to go with just our armor and weapons, we can't be making loads of sound."
Merlin looks at the group and what they're wearing.
"We're all in leather so we should be alright. I will take any position you give me but I'm better off with my arrows."
Specific Action: Attack using bow to anyone in the rear.
Lady Godiva agrees as she immediately drops her stuff in a lump on the ground.
"We need to keep it together so we can find it later... how that will be I don't know but we can't afford to loose all our stuff here in the dark".
John is looking at the group and he said:
"Fine, I will use my bow to strike them" he said in a whisper.
Specific Action:: Use a bow and arrows to strike the men.
As she gets close to her position Lady Godiva takes as careful aim as possible hoping to make the best shot she can under the circumstances.
Out of Character: I sent in my rolls, good luck everyone!
John is using his bow and tring to aim at the men, and he hopes that he gets a good shot.
Out of character: This is the first time I used the combat dice, I hope I rolled good! I wish everyone good luck!
Out of Character: What's the matter with Lady Godiva, she isn't pulling her weight any.
Specific Action: Lady Godiva reluctantly calls out for help.
Out of Character: I hate to borrow from you Fair but I stupidly didn't get something to fight by hand with because I'm a magician and arrows as spears are supposed to work.
Specific Action: Merlin shouts out for help.